If you’re a parent who wants to fulfill professional commitments and at the same time provide high quality care and learning experiences to your infant, toddler, and preschooler what you are looking for is a high quality daycare which will not only brings ease in their work life balance but also gives the right environment to your child.
How to choose a high-quality daycare for your child is the most challenging task for any parent. I will tell you five aspects of a high-quality day care which a parent should look for while choosing the right daycare.
Cleanliness and hygiene
- Breakfast, lunch, and snack are prepared in clean and healthy surroundings
- Teething rings, pacifiers and cloths aren’t shared.
- Toys are rinsed off with a disinfectant daily
- Separate napping zones and diapering area
- Facility undergoes regular maintenance and hygiene audits
Day care center should provide safe environment for kids by taking the safety precautions.
- No choking hazards, including small toys or playthings that can break apart into small pieces.
- Anti-skid Cushioned flooring and wall edges
- Non-toxic and deet free walls
- Availability of First aid kit and emergency services
- Mobile application access of Daycare CCTV camera
Communication is the most important thing in a daycare, child spends around 8-9 hours in the daycare facility. Parent should be informed in the specific format on an everyday basis about the aspects like:
- Child’s learning journey, sleep pattern, entry and exit time, body temperature, food intake, diapering
- This makes parents job easier and makes them fully aware about child’s day at daycare centre.
Learning Experience:
Children are learning from the moment they are born
- Daycare should be able to provide the right companionship to the child
- Adequate and age appropriate tools
- Well-developed holistic curriculum
- Trained caregivers
- Well planned schedule as per their individual needs
Well documented operation should be followed at the daycare facility
- Child settling in policy
- Child supervision policy
- Child sickness policy
- food policy
- What is their prescribed medicine policy
- Late pickup and early drop off
- Staffing ratios
- Child guidance and discipline policy
Really cool post! Thanks!