Your child's

Happy place

is here


are chain of premium Kindergartens and Corporate Daycares

Early childhood learning, development and care is our passion. We are excited and pleased to introduce you to child’s happy place making parents even happier. We are wonderful, passionate, and committed educators who are working at The Oscar Pre-School and Daycare. Please take a moment to meet “Our Family”. We invited each of them to describe why they love working with children.


we meet kids where they are


New Beginnings Program supports early development through meaningful play while receiving positive and nurturing care.


Discovering Me Program reinforces toddlers desire to explore – turning every moment into an opportunity for learning and encouragement.


I Can Do It Program, foster Preschoolers creativity in an environment that encourages curiosity and exploration to make learning fun and fruitful experience.


Creative Explorers Program lets school-agers pursue their passion. We help them explore what fascinates them through a variety of special-interest groups, while continuing their school learning.


over and look around

We will explain everything you are interested to know. Click below on schedule a tour option. 


Enroll you’re child for the new session at The Oscar Pre-School and Daycare.



kids. Just watch
what parents say.

Experts say 90% of brain development happens in first 6-years. Parents know that at Oscar Pre-School and Daycare we make it our passion to nurture young kids.


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