
Toddlers learn best in safe, loving places where they can explore, in their own way.

Discovering Me Program for toddlers at Oscar

When your toddler’s in the right place, you just know. Our program is designed to give you that feeling — a safe place for your newly independent child to test out and learn new skills, wonder about everything, and discover how to make friends. It’s all alongside teachers who know every day that they’re not caring for any child, but the most important child — yours. 

If you’re ready for more info, we’d love for you to come visit us

Individualized care for the whole child

Our Discovering me program is rooted in what research says is best for toddlers, as children make developmental leaps and build skills for the future.

Program highlights include :

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Signature Practices

Our curriculum include Signature Practices that offer hands-on approaches to encourage the skills your child will need in Preschool and beyond:

Get started today

Find a center near you to get started with Oscar Daycare and Pre-School 

Or call us to start the conversation 9755657777
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